Night of the Possum

So, last night the girls and I went out for the last pee like usual. It was a bit windy so Bella wasn’t very excited and it took her longer than usual to find a good spot.  She was looking in one direction, and as she finished she looked out towards the baseball fields the other direction (which was dark at this hour). All of the sudden she bolted off towards the fields! In my mind, it took a second or less to realize she was not bolting, but going after something!

I think about the time I realized that, Daisy and I saw it a the same time–a possum taking a late stroll along the fence. Then Daisy shot off! First, I have never felt Bella pull this hard-out of fear or when hunting squirrels. Luckily I had both their leashes around my wrist. But 120 pounds of dog pulling like a freight train is hard to stop!  As soon as that little rat’s paws hit the tree trunk Daisy set off to baying. I’d like to take this moment to apologize to my neighbors. Both my coonies are pretty quiet normally, I promise!

It took a little work to get them both under control again. Sooo unlike them! The possum really got a higher response than any squirrel ever has. I guess the night time, tree climbing animal is more in line with their instincts.  Bella did not bay. I wish she would have. She only bays inside the house, and only if she really wants something. She has such a ‘big boy’ voice, I love to hear it.

I came back inside with my adrenaline pumping. It was sooo exciting to see Bella so into getting something and working towards it.

Let me at 'em!

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  1. HAHAHAHA! As soon as I saw your title, I knew baying was in there somewhere; indeed, amazing Bella didn't bay – plus you being able to hold them both – WOW. Oh, I can see it :).

    • Well, looping the leashes on your wrist means when they take off (which hasn't happened like this to me) meant I was more running along for a ride than holding on. Luckily the fence was there and I was able to pull them back once they got there.

  2. your poor arm! georgia gets like that with possums, cats and littledogs that bark at her. *sigh* this is why i try to avoid night walks. those will probably come when she's old and wobbly and has no chance of taking off my wrist.

    p.s. do you know what you have to do with the award? i might have been too vague. IF you want to have some fun with it, i shall send you an email or you can read Pamela's post. she's pretty clear about these things, unlike woffly me! let me know 🙂

  3. I bet that was quite the workout to keep a hold of both of them! 😀

  4. Go Bella Girl!! Go Show Pony!!! I love them Grand dogs!!!!!

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