Change is Coming

but Daisy’s on the look out for it!  Today we are participating in the blog hop!  The wordpress link still doesn’t work for me. I have no idea why so I can’t add the hop to the post.

Oh!! I see it mom!

Daisy's Joy

Daisy turns 4, or so we think, in a few months. But when people meet her they surprised -they always guess younger.  She loves to play and gets the zoomies pretty much every day.  She also likes to play with her toys. Sometimes, she just goes to her toy box, picks a toy, an makes up some game all by herself. She has ‘age is just a number’ down pat!

Hiking Day!

So, I managed to get the girls out for a hike before I totally felt under the weather. They were very happy to get out and see something new in the world.  Daisy, as always, carried our supplies.  Bella thought for sure the sign was about fall on her-she did NOT like standing there.

This is one of several trails built around an old dam and mill. The mill isn’t in operation but the old covered bridge house is still standing.

The girls were tired after the hike-and Bella didn't like the falling water noise.

The first part of the trail was HOT. There wasn’t any trees and the dirt was really sandy. And there were HILLS!  Coming from an area where everything has always been flat the hills were hard for all of us!  I think they would have been fine if they weren’t sandy.  Then we got to the shaded area closer to the lake the hike was really nice.  This was also the first trail that had tree hash marks to mark the way to go. Living in an urban area before-those just weren’t necessary.

Hurry up mom! We are ready to go!

Wait! Don't leave us!

The girls had a great time at this new park.  All new scenery and new smells and new adventure.  They also seem to have an innate understanding of trails. Or, they like to take the easy road. No going off into the brush-they stay right on track.  It’s hard to hold leashes and film and try to walk, not trip, and hold the camera steady.

The girls are already wishing me better so they can go out again.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the pet mom’s out there!  And Happy Mother’s Day to Grannie!

Enjoying the yard!

I was sitting this morning and started hearing this air huffing. Went to look and was able to catch some of the girls’ early morning wrestling match (I was filming through the door).  It is amazing to think that Bella didn’t even know how to play this time last year. She still isn’t a frequent player-but it is getting more often. I also hope that one day she can tell Daisy when she is done in a nice way. Bella doesn’t bite-but she sounds so mean when she is done and Daisy always looks at her like “But, I thought we were having fun!?!”