Daisy Was After…

a lizard!!  Now, please, let me explain. Daisy has never shown any interest in lizards before. She has had plenty of opportunity but never seemed to notice or care. I think this one caught her eye because it was trespassing in her house. She had been laying down sleeping (or so I thought) when she sprang up at full alert! It was a small green anole. It did get away but I have no idea where its final whereabouts are.  She has not cared for any lizards she has seen outside since either.


And thanks for your information regarding comments to Blogger blogs. I guess I will just keep using my Blogger profile!

Hey There!

So, what do you think had Daisy so captivated in this picture?  (I’ll post the answer in the next day or two).


Also, I have a question for you. For WordPress self hosters -how do you post comments on blogger blogs? Right now I’m using my blogger profile but I wished it’d direct people to my blog. I tried to get an openid but lets say that was a disaster! Any other ideas?

What Interesting Company You Keep

So in the front yard there is a tree that is sort of slowing dying it seems. Part of it hangs over the fence into the back yard.  It would make a perfect scene for the Halloween season to be sure! For the girls, it provides a crazy cornucopia of smells to be enjoyed. I am very thankful neither of them roll in the gifts dropped by our company.


So, when you walk out of the house and see this….

You will also see a whole lotta this….

I guess it must sure smell good!

Have you liked The Royal Coonhounds on Facebook yet?  There is exclusive content going up over there!

A Normal Dog

Those of you with issue-y dogs I think will understand this post.  I’ve never see Bella do this and yet here she was enjoying something that most dogs take for granted.  No hiding or sleeping in a safe spot on this day.  I hope she keeps enjoying this simple pleasure in life.





There is a Fungus Among Us!

No, I’m not talking about skin issues thank goodness! It rained here this week and for the first time since I’ve been here, the back yard has all sorts of mushrooms growing!  The toadstool was just HUGE!  Eight or Nine inches high. The little brown ones range from a centimeter to a couple inches wide. They have a traditional shape but look like potato chips scattered on the ground when they blow their spores.  The white ball fungus is literally only a half a centimeter wide. It was just a baby. They grow to an inch or two in diameter, then when you step on them there is a little poof of spores.

When Daisy threw up this week I for a fleeting second was worried she might have partaken of the mushrooms, but it was just her normal run of the mill nausea issues.