Wordless Wednesday

Daisy likes to recharge her solar panels in front of the door. She’ll lay there soaking in the sun all afternoon.

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  1. We're all about solar energy here!!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  2. Too true! Holly does exactly the same thing, except that she must have her head in the sunlight. She'll follow the sunbeams around until she finds the perfect spot. Silly hound. 🙂

  3. Us hound dogs need some solar recharging every once and a while!

    The CheeseHounds

  4. Solar panels-that's good. I like it.

    It makes a nap in a sunspot sound so "ecological."

  5. Essentially, a handyman built a "deck" to cover the deep, long rift under the back gate left by pounding Coonhound, Thomas, years ago; it kept filling with water and mud with dogs scooting underneath to and from the field. Though the gate is now in dis-repair due to the flood waters, I notice hounds lounging ala Daisy on their "deck" in the sun. Enjoy that sunshine and Vitamin D.

  6. Bunny has the same habit! Sometimes I don't know how it can be comfortable!

  7. Beryl likes to sunbathe outside, especially this time of year, when we don't see much sun! But I HAVE to put a duvet down for her to lie on. She stands in her favourite spot and glares at me until I get the message:)

  8. What a sweet, cozy picture!

  9. Solar powered Daisy…look out world when those cells are fully charged! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! 😀

    Waggin at ya,

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