Mischievous Monday

There is a blog hop going on about what sorts of trouble the dogs got into on the weekend. I’d love to be able to join in but its hard when one dog is doing this all weekend….

and the other dog is busy doing this…..

hope everyone else had a weekend like the girls did!

Head on over to one of the hosts to join in the hop…

Alfies Blog
Snoopys Dog Blog
Luna, a Dogs Life

Also, make sure you have “liked” the girls on Facebook for more exclusive content!

Living with a Toddler

No, I don’t live with a human toddler, but sometimes living with Daisy is like having one. Many times it is in all the good ways! The tree at my house was recently decorated for the holiday season and Daisy was so interested. She wanted to be right there and sniff everything and approve of where the ornaments were going. It it so much fun to share these experiences with her.

The first couple balls Daisy thought might be treats and she wanted them in her mouth. Grannie kept her safe.

Daisy watched and approved placement of each of the ornaments. You can see Bella was there but she stayed far away from the action.

“Oh, these are pretty! They should go up next!”

Checking to make sure its in the right place.

“Phew! This tree decorating is exhausting work!”

I had been worried about how well my tree would stand up to living with Daisy. She likes to play with her toys many times while I’m at work. No to mention both girls are not very aware of where their tails are at times. I am happy to report that both girls have a healthy respect of the tree. Bella likes to sniff it when I turn the lights on but both girls have been very good with it! No broken ornaments yet!