Christmas with the Coonies!

This year with the girls was so much fun! Grannie and Grandpa came bearing a TON of gifts! Now, They get excited just having company but when company comes in with bags and boxes (some of them smelling very good) it is all the more reason to get excited.

Our Tree

Daisy takes the approach of “try to open every present at the same time while wiggling your butt back and forth in excitement”. Bella is much more methodical, waiting to be presented with the gift that is hers then smelling it up and down very thoroughly before deciding if she likes it or not.

Daisy checking out all the gifts

The thing is-Daisy is just as happy when you open your own present. She just wants to be a part of things. The only human gift she tried to steal was Grannie’s praline scented candle (Pralines are a very popular candy here in Savannah). I guess it smelled so good she thought she’d try to eat it! One of her favorite things was a toy in Bella’s bag. A long green squeaking dog thing. If you are on our Facebook page-its the toy she was laying on in a recent picture.

Daisy with her head IN the bag!

Bella did so good this year! The noise of tearing paper and the camera and all the excitement didn’t bother her much at all. She stayed right in the mix the whole time. If you held out something for her to sniff, she’d very gently sniff all over then wag, wag her tail to share in your happiness.

Bella sniffing my present

One of the funniest things was towards the end of the morning. Daisy had been all wound up and excited. She eventually ended up near Grandpa asking for belly rubs-which he happily obliged. He stopped rubbing but she didn’t move-and about 30 second later her head is resting on his shoe and she is just snoring away!! Like a little kid who just collapsed from exhaustion after too much excitement.


The girls came away with some serious swag. New collars, lots of treats, new toys, and a new sweater for Bella. They’ve already been enjoying a lot of it. We hope your holidays were just as fun!

Yay! New flirt pole!


It’s been a while but we are back in the blog hop! Good to see y’all again!

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12 Responses to Christmas with the Coonies!

  1. Bassetmomma says:

    Wow! What a haul for Daisy and Bella! Sounds like you all had a great Christmas!!

  2. rottrover says:

    What fun!! Happy New Year, Royals!

    -Bart and Ruby
    rottrover recently posted..Every Ending is a New Beginning…My Profile

  3. I’m incredibly impressed at the restraint shown by both Bella and Daisy in allowing the tree to remain upright and not ripping open packages but their own. Wonderful photos and congrats to Bella on being nonchalant about weird stuff like cameras and ripping paper. Looks like you all had a great time!
    Roberta Beach recently posted..Help DCAWSMy Profile

  4. Pamela says:

    Welcome back! We’ve missed you.

    Glad to see Bella was able to enjoy the excitement of the holidays without getting too stressed.
    Pamela recently posted..The Problem of Patience – Train Your Dog Month ChallengeMy Profile

  5. Caron says:

    Hi! Your girls are beautiful! It looks like you all had a great Christmas. I love the last picture.
    Caron recently posted..TODAY IS……My Profile

  6. Roo says:

    Aw what a super Christmas y’all had! Enjoy your new toys!

    Waggin at ya,

  7. Kari says:

    What a great holiday

    Stop on by for a visit
    Kari recently posted..Book Review – The Dog Who Spoke with GodsMy Profile

  8. Those are some awesome presents!! My dad spoils Layla and Casey rotten. When we (Layla and I) were still living at home, I came home from school one day and noticed she hadn’t touched the food in her bowl. I said, “I hope Layla is feeling well, she didn’t eat her breakfast.” My dad said she had. I replied that she hadn’t; her bowl still had food in it. His answer? “She probably isn’t hungry. I made her a pork roll, egg and cheese sandwich earlier.” He made her a sandwich!!! A fancy breakfast sandwich. Did *I* get a sandwich? Nope!! And don’t even try to tell him not to feed her table food. She (and Casey) sit on either side of him like bookends waiting for him to feed them. I think they eat more off his plate than he does. I hope that isn’t an indication of what he’ll be like if I ever have kids…
    Amy / Layla the Malamute recently posted..2011 in Review / 2012 GoalsMy Profile

  9. lauren says:

    your tree is so pretty! and daisy is so funny! we’ve been thinking about getting a flirt pole for desmond. do you like the quality of the one you have? i’m worried that he’s going to break it in about ten minutes.

  10. I’ve got a flirt pole but haven’t got it out since Beryl came to live with us. I’m scared she would break a hock if we played with it! They are great fun for the dogs though! Looks like your Christmas was wonderful. I wouldn’t dare put up a tree, Frankie would pull it over very quickly.
    Greyhounds CAN Sit recently posted..Just Do It!My Profile