Incredible Weekend!

So, have you ever such an awesome weekend that the high lasts into the start of your week?  THAT is what kind of weekend I had!  I am still flying high. If you remember…this weekend was the weekend Daisy and I went to our first Rally Competition.

So Saturday, we got there early and set up. A HUGE thank you must go out to Grannie who was awesome in packing lunches, running to get things I forgot, and providing moral support. We set up near the rally ring and watched the more advanced groups.  I will be honest, on day one I only saw three hounds in the whole building! Apparently, hounds are not typically known as obedience dogs, who knew?  😉  I think on the first day Daisy felt like she was missing out on things being left in her crate. So many people and dogs walking around-she wanted to be a part of things!

Our first run went well.  Daisy started to get the zoomies in the beginning-oh no!! We got 10 points off of one of our exercises because I *thought* she had sat, but she was actually crouching/play bowing. Oops!  After that, she focused and we completed the exercise with a score of 81/100. We Qualified! It takes 3 qualified scores under 2 different judges to get a Rally Novice (RN) title.

I met and talked to some great Rally people. The lady who was set up next to me was working on her first RAE title with her lab. There were tons of Golden retrievers doing rally this weekend. I had kinda hoped to see more mixed dogs/non registered dogs out having a good time but there were very few. I’m not for sure why this is exactly though.  Maybe serious dog people are more serious about where they get their dogs from?

I'm down! What's next?

Daisy was much more relaxed on Day two. I think she understood a bit what was going on. She knew she’d hang out in the crate, nap, snack, pee, then get to show off in the ring. One thing we have to work on is Daisy NOT trying to meet the judge in the middle of a run. She is such a flirt!  She was much more focused during the run on day two but she did NOT want to down! Perhaps because by the end of the day the ring smelled like dog and she doesn’t think she is a dog?

On Day two we did much better! We earned 91/100! Another qualifying score!  Both of our scores were good enough for a fourth place finish both days! I can’t believe it! Not only did we qualify but we placed too!  It goes way beyond what my expectations were going into this. Right now, I feel like anything and everything is possible.

When I decided to do rally, it was because I thought I could train on my own. I just wasn’t in a place to pay for agility classes and I thought agility was the sport for me! Well, after this weekend I do think I will be sticking with Rally! It is sooo much fun and I’d advise anyone looking to do something with their dogs to look into it.

Bella had a pretty awesome thing happen Sunday too!  Bella has not been on a boat ride in well over a year…before I had Daisy. We had tried a few times but her fear was sheer panic and horrible to watch. When we went to go on the boat Sunday Bella really, really wanted to go. So, we decided to try it. At first, it was just as I expected. Bella shaking, drooling, looking to hide, and generally miserable. She was NOT HAPPY about coming along for the ride.  The boat is a bass style boat with a front deck area. This is where Daisy stands to watch everything passing us and sniff the wind. Well, Bella’s nose took over her brain when we started to go fast. Up she came to stand beside Daisy, sniffing the air, ears flapping in the breeze. Then, she wanted to explore the whole boat. Hopping about, sniffing and enjoying the ride!  I was so happy to see her enjoying herself!  I find it funny my dogs are even opposites in the boat ride. Daisy seems to enjoy going slow more and Bella seems to like going fast more.  Really, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

We had a great weekend!

Happy Birthday, My Sweet Girl!

One year ago today, in the dark of night, I was sitting in my car in front of a hotel thinking “What have I done?”  The transport arrived late and they brought out this dog..who was bigger than I expected!  She slept the whole way home.

Week one didn’t go so well. It ended in emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction.  She had serious constipation issues. At the time, they thought that was what made her nauseated but it turns out, that is a whole separate issue.  Why was she constipated? Well, it seems my new dog did not toilet on a leash. Living in an apartment, this was an issue.

It has been a year of life adjustments. The dog park has become our friend out of necessity.  Food changes for allergies, skin issues, nausea, and constipation.

On the flip side, Daisy is the most easy going dog I have ever met. She is so sweet, and ready to participate in whatever activity I have going on. If you tell her something she can’t do, that’s ok, she’ll find something she can do. She can sleep pretty much anywhere. Nothing phases her. She LOVES to play.  She is also very gentle with her sister Bella. Daisy doesn’t push her to be something she is not, and in return Bella is pretty tolerant of her silly ways.

Daisy is more the personality of dog I was hoping for when I first decided to get a dog. I can take her out in public and she enjoys herself. She isn’t reactive, and she isn’t fearful.  She likes dogs and people. And, she is a goof! I wish everyone could see her expressions. She has manged to worm her way right into Grandpa’s heart. She isn’t a super snuggler. She is not the dog to climb up and lay on the couch or try to get into bed. BUT..when she is ready for loving watch out!!! She will come up, paw me and lean on me. She will fall down and roll all over my feet. Basically, she decides when she is ready for attention and I had better be ready to give it! I love my Daisy girl and can’t imagine life without her.

Happy 4th Birthday!

Stop Cleaning and Play with Me!

So, the other day Grannie was cleaning, minding her own business, when she noticed Daisy behind her stalking the Swiffer duster.  She had “that look” in her eye. So Grannie swung the swiffer around, touched her back and it was game on!  For some reason, this is now a favorite toy!  She prances while playing using her front feet to bat at the duster. It is so cute!  So if you have any Swiffer coupons, send them our way…we are going to need them!