
So, I used to see various micro-media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr as a burden. Not only did I have to come up with some astoundingly interesting topic for my regular blog, but I was now responsible for entertaining other folks who didn’t want to come and read what I had to say! Oh boy how have things changed!!!

This year has had quite a lot of ups and downs for me. One thing I have learned is that a quick funny thing the girls have done or a snapped Iphone picture allows me to connect to readers without having to take the time to sit down, write out a post, edit, write HTML, and join a blog hop. Some of you out there follow me everywhere possible and for that I thank you! I consider you my core group of blog people. There are others who are just Facebook folks or only Twitter people and that is okay with me too! I have also figured out how to get all my social media to talk to each other. I can make one post and it still gets out to everyone.

Does anyone else getting a little rush as the “likes” and comments come rolling in? I swear its like a hit of a good drug sometimes!

My newest micro-media is Instagram. I have to thank Desmond over at Life with Desmond for this one. I thought for sure I’d hate it, but to be honest, it’s my new favorite!! They say  picture is worth a thousand words. Instagram allows you to take, edit, and post pictures to all your favorite sites and even email to people who refuse to get into the blogging thing.

So.. go like our Facebook page… or find us on Twitter …or on Instagram (theroyalcoonhounds). I update there quite often and there are lots of cute pictures. I tend to also respond a bit more on Facebook.

Plus…there will breaking news later today only on my Micro-blogs! If you aren’t there-you’re gonna miss it!

Forever Wouldn’t have Been Long Enough

Riley was such an incredible dog. He was so full of energy, playfulness, and love. He didn’t understand the meaning of stranger-and if you weren’t inclined to say hello he’d let out a deep bay to let you know you were supposed to be paying attention to him. He loved to snuggle on the couch and put his paw in my hand or rest his head on me when I got home from work at night.

It was obvious that Riley was a very spoiled boy. His first mama loved him very much. I am so glad I got the chance to care for this amazing boy. He is now reunited with his Mama and I hope they are enjoying each others company again.

Riley’s battle with cancer was far too short. Rest in peace Riley Beau.

In the Home Stretch!

Regular readers know my job has been a bit of a crazy place the last few months. Well, the end is on the horizon!! I am so happy. I love my job and what I do, but I’ve been doing a bit too much of it lately. It ends with a nice long week in the mountains for me just relaxing in the cool and looking at the leaves’ color change. It’s coming, and I’m counting the days.

I also have some less happy news to share. Two weeks ago my foster dog Riley woke up with a swollen, hot shoulder. He went into the vet and they believed it to be an abscess. After he was shaved they thought there were multiple pockets of pus that needed to be drained so they had to put him under for surgery. The cause of the infection was actually an invasive tumor in his shoulder. Ugh. Cancer.

So, I guess I’m now a three dog house. A senior dog with cancer isn’t exactly adoptable. Riley came out of surgery just fine. Once the infection cleared up it was hard to keep him calm! He had drains and sutures but he didn’t let that stop him!  The vet believes he will have anywhere from six months to two years to live. Yep, that was the time range I was given. Riley is acting like his goofy self and isn’t in any obvious pain. He’s still begging for food and chasing the squirrels. So for now, he’s hanging here with me and we’ll just see what happens as time goes on. I can feel right where the tumor is so I’ll monitor it to see how fast it grows.

Now if I could just get him to stop digging holes under the fence!  😀

Daisy’s Delightful Day

Daisy had a great day hanging out with me this afternoon!  We started off by heading out to Tractor Supply. The closest one to us is about 30 minutes away. I had seen something called rubber horse stall mats. I thought it might be nice to have in the back of the SUV. Even though I have *tried* to cover everything I was thinking a solid surface would be good for cleanup and such. Well, when I saw it in person I did like it, but it was too heavy and would be near impossible for me to cut to size. So, instead, Daisy helped me pick out a new toy that she thought Riley might not destroy in 32 seconds. He seems to not love rope toys…so we bought one! Not loving=lasting longer. Daisy also thoroughly inspected the rest of the pet section, some of the horse supplies, and much of the gardening section. She was highly disappointed that this store didn’t have dog treats for her at the check out desk.


Next, we stopped at Lowes. It was her first trip there ever! Did you know many Lowes have chosen to be dog friendly? Before we could even get in the store some lady had pulled up in her car to talk to us. It still amazes me how many people don’t know about coonhounds! Daisy walked around generally looking a bit bored with the whole thing while I shopped. I might have taken a while carefully reading over the qualities of different grass seed. My yard has such differences in sun vs shade that one seed isn’t enough for winter preparation. Since many people don’t know Lowes is dog friendly, the other customers were pretty surprised to see a big dog walking around.

The final joy for Daisy was a treat she almost never ever gets…human food! I bought and let her have about half of a Wendy’s Frosty. I had stopped in a park down the road from me to share it with her and the squirrels were going nuts so we also had some spontaneous squirrel hunting time. She came home very happy and tired from her afternoon out with me!