New Weekend Activity!

So this weekend I decided to try something new with the girls.  We went hiking!

The girls and I do regularly go to a local park to walk around the lake there but I was hoping to go more onto a trail like hike.  It was ‘interesting’ to say the least. We went to a park with a 7 mile paved loop. The plan was to start on the pavement, then cut through on one of the off road trails through the middle.

Bella had a so-so time. During the first 5 minutes of walking Bella needed to go to he bathroom and stepped off the path….right into a sand spur! For those of you who don’t have these they are little hard balls with thorns poking out in all directions. She jumped back on the path, got down on her elbow licking her paw. I managed to get it out but she didn’t want to get in the grass so she pooped in the middle of the paved trail.  She was very uneasy in this new place.

Because of the sand spur I decided to stay on the trail. This trail attracts bikers. Not mountain bikers but Lance Armstrong type bikers.   I kept Bella away form the side they were passing us on but then some schmuck and his friends decided to buzz us on both sides-one of them going off the trail to run by Bella.  When we stopped for water her tail was tucked tight and she refused to drink which worried me (it’s still hot here). I did dump some cold water on her head (which just pissed her off I think).  So we headed back.

Daisy was a champ and popular with everyone who saw her. She had on her backpack to carry our water and she walked right by me the whole time. I was lucky that the type of area this was isn’t conducive to squirrels. I could hear people talking about her as they rode up behind us.  Some even slowed down to watch her walk. I think she likes having a job to do. I took her off the path 5 different times and she wouldn’t pee. Of course near the end she squats in the middle of the trail to pee!
