Fun Weekend!

So yesterday Daisy and I went to Dogfest 2010.  I was pretty sure there would be a lot of people and it would be very crowded so I didn’t take Bella. I’m really glad I didn’t because she would have had a terrible time and probably would have pulled my arm off trying to get outta there. It was in a big open barn.  The weather is nice and not too hot here now.  It was a fundraiser for the Southeastern Guide Dogs.  There was raffles, agility demos, costume contests, BBQ, and lots to look at.  Many stores and animal related businesses had booths set up.  So many 50+ y.o. men just loved Daisy. Did every middle aged man have coonhounds growing up??  One guy from a pet supply store just loved Daisy up then gave me a sow’s ear for her for later.  LOL  Daisy is my man-charmer.

Having a great time in the crowd!

Today Daisy, Bella and I went to a new dog park.  They had a great time sniffing all around in the field.  We met someone there and her two dogs that the girls know and get along with. Overall the girls had fun, it was a nice park and we are having great weather. They love playing keep away with tennis balls. I wish there was some way to turn that into “fetch”.

Resting for just minute.