Not Your Dad's Old Watering Trough

So, the Cadillac of Dog Parks comes complete with the ultimate watering contraptions for the dogs. They are scattered all over.  In such a large place there is the issue of providing water for the dogs, and not having it sitting full of dirt and mold. Not to mention lost/stolen/broken bowls, and huge lakes of mud around the bowls.  Well, problem solved! The only slight issue for me is I have to be there to turn the water on, but today there was a dog who could turn the water on for himself so it isn’t an issue for everyone.


Thanks Bella, for the demonstration.  You can see, there is the top part of a trashcan buried into the  ground and filled with small rocks for drainage. The post comes up and the bowl is bolted to it. The water comes out by pressing or pulling that small blue piece of PVC type pipe.  The bowl has a small hole in the bottom, so the water can drain out.  It isn’t too big-the girls can drink their fill before the water is gone but large enough for dirt to run through. This invention provides, clean, fresh water and eliminates most of the mud issue and the dogs can’t trot off with the bowls or use them as toys. How does your dog park solve the water bowl issue? Or is it one that has all the issues?

My First Blogging Award!

So, I would like to thank Georgia Little Pea for giving me this stylish blogger award.  It is my first award ever! It’s funny, because Sweet Georgia is a newer read for me-I recently discovered her blog through a post she made to me! Or maybe the blog hop…I can’t keep track!  😀

Blogger awards are kinda like chain letters-but all in good fun rather than threatening your very existence on earth. So the conditions of this award are to share 7 secrets and pass it along to other bloggers. Now, I’ve read it is suppose to be 15 but goodness! That is a whole lot of people, so I’m going to pass it on to just a few of my favorite bloggers.


First the seven secrets and since this blog is about the girls, of the secrets are too (shh! don’t tell them I said anything).

1. Daisy is a self-entertainer. She has a toy box and when she wants to play she goes over and gets the toy that suits her fancy.

2. Bella, many times, is frightened by her own tail wagging.

3. Daisy does not like to poop on a leash, she can hold it for miles and miles, and this results in almost daily dog park trips.

4. Bella loves to lay like a frog especially first thing in the morning.

5. Daisy can’t stand upright in the car to save her life. The smallest tap of the brake tips her over unless she is laying down.

6. Bella tends to really like kids, surprising since she isn’t around them much and they tend to scare me!

7. Lately, my two have been playing musical crates. They keep switching back and forth where they are sleeping at night.


So, I have a few favorite blogs to recognize and reward with this award.  If you aren’t on this list, I still love you but I can’t put my whole reading list on here!

The first is Roberta over at Silverwalk Hounds. As my readers know, I have a thing for hounds and I love reading about her foster (and personal) dogs. She even has a couple coonies right now! Check them out.


Second is one many of you know and love.  Bunny is a sweet greyhound that likes to share the joys and tribulations of sharing a home with two other greyhounds and a German Shepherd. In a future life, I’d like to maybe foster greyhounds. They seem to fit my lifestyle.


My third blog pick is Fiona and Abby .  They are two sisters who love to wrestle and play every single day. I love them wrestling and playing bitey face in the snow right now (and collecting snowballs on their fur). We don’t have that issue here thank goodness!


Who knew there could be another sweet Bella in the world?  She lives in NYC and can’t wait for winter to be over!  Some people don’t think greyhounds are expressive like many dogs but this girl proves them wrong!


Finally there is The Cat Rescuer . That is right, I have a cat blog on my reading list!  The love this lady has for cats is enough to draw in even the most die-hard dog lover.  She just started her own cat rescue this year so be sure to go check it out.

Night of the Possum

So, last night the girls and I went out for the last pee like usual. It was a bit windy so Bella wasn’t very excited and it took her longer than usual to find a good spot.  She was looking in one direction, and as she finished she looked out towards the baseball fields the other direction (which was dark at this hour). All of the sudden she bolted off towards the fields! In my mind, it took a second or less to realize she was not bolting, but going after something!

I think about the time I realized that, Daisy and I saw it a the same time–a possum taking a late stroll along the fence. Then Daisy shot off! First, I have never felt Bella pull this hard-out of fear or when hunting squirrels. Luckily I had both their leashes around my wrist. But 120 pounds of dog pulling like a freight train is hard to stop!  As soon as that little rat’s paws hit the tree trunk Daisy set off to baying. I’d like to take this moment to apologize to my neighbors. Both my coonies are pretty quiet normally, I promise!

It took a little work to get them both under control again. Sooo unlike them! The possum really got a higher response than any squirrel ever has. I guess the night time, tree climbing animal is more in line with their instincts.  Bella did not bay. I wish she would have. She only bays inside the house, and only if she really wants something. She has such a ‘big boy’ voice, I love to hear it.

I came back inside with my adrenaline pumping. It was sooo exciting to see Bella so into getting something and working towards it.

Let me at 'em!