We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog….

because our dog treat prize from Something Wagging This Way Comes just arrived!!  Personally, this is an exciting day because 1. The Lady in Waiting loves getting mail and 2. it is the first prize we have won through blogging!

Of course, Daisy was all over wanting to open up the box. Bella just wanted out of there!  My two opposite girls.  The good thing is Bella takes treats veeeeery slowly so I can get a picture of her enjoying them! Not possible with Daisy. Both of the girls really liked the treats and I love that they are wheat free!  I just hope the girls don’t start expecting all the mail to taste this good.

Oh! Is this box for me?

Not too sure about this box.




















Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!

Um, I really don't like that box!



















Daisy is very excited about FOOD! Bella is trying to run away.







Open them please!!




Yummy Berry!

Life on the Road….

Well Bella, my frequently carsick dog, threw up before I was even out of the city.  I think that is a new record.  When I stopped to clean it up Daisy climed out of the back set, over the console, and a suitcase, to get out the door and out of the puke. Her face was pure panic as the vomit was coming out of her sister’s mouth.


So, I cleaned up the back seat as much as I could. I covered the front passenger seat with a towel and put Daisy up with me.  Luckily, she is great in the car and sat or laid down the whole trip.

Too big for the passenger seat

Bella was not done throwing up an by the time we reached the Grandparents’ house, the whole bottom of the hammock in the backseat was soaked.


Can’t say I’m looking forward to the trip back home.

Everyday Life

Day to day around here can get pretty boring. It makes it hard to write about something. It’s why I see no point in Twitter. Not enough exciting things happen around here to tell the world.  The girls are going together to stay at the Grandparents house this weekend. Daisy has never been there and has never stayed in a different house. I am trying to not worry. Daisy is a very good girl-but she is very curious about things and will not be hiding in her crate like Bella does when she visits them. She’ll be more like having an actual dog in the house as opposed to a piece of furniture.


It will be ok, I am sure.  Or, that is what I keep telling myself.