Victims of Christmas Spirit

This weekend the girls fell victim to the horror known as Christmas Spirit.  I decided I wanted some really nice pictures of the girls in some sort of Christmas gear.  It took 3 of us.  Grannie and I wrangled the girls, Grandpa took the pictures and the girls tried to be their normal selves.  Boy was that exhausting!  Bella hates the camera and is scared of Grandpa, and Daisy has no idea how to be still!  We did manage to capture some amazing pictures though.  Grandpa did a great job! I posted a link to a slide show since there are quite a few pictures.

Slide show of Christmas Pictures

The Evolution of the Squeaky Toy

I was a very excited dog owner when I brought Bella home. I had to stop to buy all the dog things I needed when I adopted her-I had nothing before because I was open to dogs of any size.  So along with the basics I also bought squeaky toys and kongs.

Needless to say when I finally convinced Bella that it was ok to come see me out of her crate and tried to play with that squeaky toy-she darted right back in. I tried to give it some time.  I was told by some great people to let her settle in, take it at her pace, and let her decide when and how to come out of her shell. I tried several more times to get her to engage with the toys but she wanted no part.

Daisy came along and I didn’t buy any squeakies.  I was worried that Daisy playing with them would frighten Bella. Don’t worry, Daisy had other toys. Then Grannie bought the hedgehog.  Daisy was beyond thrilled with life. These wonderful things sound like they are dying as you bite them!  Heavenly bliss.  Bella was less thrilled by the intruders in her home but she was no longer running.

Well, it has been 8 months since I brought Bella home. I have taken the advice of others and let her come out of her shell at her own pace (ok, perhaps with some phamacutical help).  Yesterday she finally decided squeaky toys are pretty fun and even played tug with Daisy to try and get one!  She ran off with Mr. Raccoon trying to unstuff him, or unsqueak him or whatever it is the dogs are trying to do with these toys.

So from running and hiding in her crate to today we get this:

I'll get you Raccoon!